Artery Gear Fusion
Artery Gear: Fusion is an addictive RPGfor android devices.Tu-based battles GreatAndroid game , woven according to all the canons of its genre and already has its own fan base in Asian countries. In Artery Gear: Fusion, you will travel to the distant future, where the planet Earth was completely devastated after the invasion of an unknown enemy life form, which was nicknamed "Puppet". You are the commander of the flagship "Autoland" of the allied fleet and it is you, in the company of warriors, who will have to fight the sinister invaders and avenge your own world. An elaborate fantasy universe Artery Gear: Fusion is a classic tu-based RPG that puts you in control a group of warriors with di7up Down fferent skills and characteristics. As you progress through the game, you will meet more and more powerful opponents, which will require competent strengthening of the heroes and the use of a wide range of different strategies. You can now download RPG for Android for free and appreciate the many combinations of skills, attributes, artifacts and various equipment, beautiful graphics, exciting atmosphere and detailed gameplay.CPU---Android OS4.4Open GL---Free Space 88.5 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
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