MekaRoyale Online
MekaRoyale Online - a new royal battlefor android devices where not people fight, but bellows are huge robots. The action unfolds in a futuristic future, where the numbers are dominated by bellows. Here you have to explore the map and look for useful resources on it, as well as scattered weapons, to become stronger and attack other players. In the final of the game, you can get credits that will help in pumping the robot, and after winning you will receive a decent reward, thanks to which you can get a new fur. But be careful, in the case of the death of your character - you lose everything,Jungle DeLight including credits and bellows. You can now download an excellent top-down shooter MekaRoyale Online for free and try out this incredibly dynamic and entertaining gameplay. You have prepared high-quality graphics with detailed and well-developed locations, as well as comfortable controls. Try your hand at this exciting royal battle, win or stay with nothing.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 220.8 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----